$ 5.95 USD
USED-very good condition
Trade paperback, Pages:212
by Edward Marston
new price:$14.95
London is under siege by the Black Plague, closing its theaters and losing its frightened citizens to the country side Lord Westfield’s Men decide upon the relative safety of the road and a tour of the North. Before they can pack up and depart, one of the actors is murdered.
As they travel, the company of players-managed by its book\holder, Nicholas Bracewell-learns that their arch-rival, Bansbury’s Men, have been pirating their best works. Though Nicholas closely guards the only complete copy of each opus, there is no safeguard against some actors banding together to memorize the lines and so give away the play’s entire script. But why? Hoping to shake off Bansbury’s Men, actor Lawrence Firethorn eventually leads his troupe to Nottingham and on the York where, at Marmion Hall,all is revealed in a thrilling performance.
This is the third mystery for Lord Westfield’s Men. Poisoned Pen Press had previously repubiished The Queen’s Head and Them Merry Devils.